Looking for some new ideas to celebrate the Fall season with your preschooler? We have a few ideas for you and your child which are not only fun, but also incorporate physical activity and help build fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and more!
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Create a game for kids to find various colors and types of leaves, pinecones, and acorns. Print off large pictures of what they should find and then send them on the hunt! Then take them home and use to create different arts and craft projects or create a sensory bin.
Here are a few other outdoor activity ideas:
Pick apples, pumpkins or collect vegetables from the garden or at a local farm
Rake and pickup leaves
Weed the garden

Indoor Art Projects
Use those outdoor materials you collected to create some beautiful artwork!
Leaf rubbings – Place paper over a leaf and rub the side of a crayon gently on the area over the leaf
Leaf printings – Apply some paint to the back of the leaf and press onto the paper
Tree collage – Paint a tree without leaves (just the trunk and branch) and then glue some real leaves onto the paper
Pinecone Decorates – Add some glue to the pinecones and then decorate with glitter or sprinkles
Fall Garland – String together pinecones and acorns to make garland
Pumpkin Painting – Let your kid use paint to decorate their pumpkin
Enjoy the season!
